PhD Candidate in Uppsala University
I now design robots
More about me

About me

A regular PhD student here. From China to Nordic.

  • Sep 2013 - June 2017

    South China University of Technology

    Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering

  • Sep 2018 - Jan 2021

    Copenhagen University

    Master in IT and Cognition

  • Feb 2021 - Present

    Uppsala University

    PhD in Social Robotics for mental healthcare

Research Interets

I'm interested in the use of social robots in mental healthcare,

human oversight in the human robot collaboration, explainability of AI and robot ethics

ML for healthcare

Heatlhcare is an important application of Machine Learning methods.

Human robot interaciton

Use human centric interaction design methods for HRI.

Deep learning

AGI would be a game changer in the robotics industry. Social robots empowered by AI will be employed in diverse fields.

Contact Me

What's in your mind? Open to collaboration, Master students, and jobs!